About Us

Hi all, just wanted to welcome you to the Working Moms Support Blog. This is a new interface that we are trying in lieu of face to face lunch and learns, knowing that so many of you are trying prioritize your work, your homes, activities, families, etc.

This is a forum where we can openly and respectfully discuss concerns, problems, ideas, questions and thoughts about everything from infants to elders, work and family, and all life's other components.

Thank you for visiting and sharing your time, advice and expertise with us!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lactation Spaces around main campus

I know this post won't apply to you all but for those of you who are new moms, or just returning to work after having your baby, or have a colleague needing a clean, private, safe space to pump, I just wanted to remind you that we have several (24 to be exact) lactation spaces here on OSU's main campus. To view the list, you can visit http://hr.osu.edu/worklife/lactationrooms.pdf and if you would like to establish a lactation space in your building, don't hesitate to contact me and we can work through the details!!


1 comment:

  1. Also, the IRS just changed its rule on whether pre-tax "flex" $$ can be spent on breast pumps. Katie, do you know if OSU HR has updated its policy yet?
