About Us

Hi all, just wanted to welcome you to the Working Moms Support Blog. This is a new interface that we are trying in lieu of face to face lunch and learns, knowing that so many of you are trying prioritize your work, your homes, activities, families, etc.

This is a forum where we can openly and respectfully discuss concerns, problems, ideas, questions and thoughts about everything from infants to elders, work and family, and all life's other components.

Thank you for visiting and sharing your time, advice and expertise with us!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Work Life Balance on Paper and on the Big Screen

I have come across a number of books that address the struggles of women with career and families and a recent upcoming movie. I'm not recommending or referring these just posting them as an fyi if you are in the mood to be entertained by or read up on work and life media pieces!


Arlie Hochchild, Prof. of Sociology, UC Berkeley
The Second Shift-Working Parents and the Revolution at Home
The Managed Heart
The Time Bind

Sharon Lerner
The War on Moms:  On Life in a Family-Unfriendly Nation

I Don't Know How She Does It